"Writing is making sense of life. You work your whole life and perhaps you've made sense of one small area."
-Nadine Gordimer

Monday, August 15, 2011

Back to Reality

I know it's been a while since I've blogged, but to tell you the truth, I have not forgotten about this blog. I went on the website several times and just stared at it. I could not get myself to write anything. My fingers wouldn't move. I would stare at the clear screen and it would stare back at me with loneliness. I thought about how my voice may not be heard, but at least I know I tried. I feel the time has come to say a few words and to tell the world everything that is in my head, even if it does not respond.

School is coming up and stress is coming with it. Oh how fast those summer days have gone by! It feels like just yesterday I was full of bliss, excited for the opportunity to rest and to do whatever I wanted. Now, those happy thoughts have been taken away and substituted with the sorrow that reality brings. I was not ready to remember what life really is. I was happy in my own world, doing things that made me joyful. In the end, I know this is what is supposed to happen. Life cannot lie; only dreams and fantasies can do that. But it still hurts inside. It hurts to know that that kind of happiness does not last and that disappointment has immunity towards extinction.

I guess it's just the world and its ways. Sometimes I observe others and wonder if they have ever gone through times like this and how they were able to survive it. It seems like it will never end. I'm not going to say that I know it will, because I don't know. It will never end. I can feel that in the depths of my heart. This lifestyle was made for me and I just have to try and live it. I have no other choice.